MIMS Education

A Primary Care Guide on Pimples: Topical Therapies for Acne

A Primary Care Guide on Pimples: Topical Therapies for Acne

A badge with ribbon in color black 1 Point | An analog clock in color black 1 Hour | A black calendar with white triangle in center that has a black exclamation point in the middle 12 Feb 2025 


About this course

Acne is one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide and can adversely affect the afflicted individual socially and psychologically. Primary care physicians are well placed to identify, diagnose, and manage these patients and thus prevent the worsening or development of unwanted sequelae such as scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Mild to moderate acne can typically be managed with topical medications. An understanding of these medications and their targets along the disease pathophysiology is essential in effectively crafting a regimen for a patient.

This e-learning module will provide a review of the guidelines for the management of mild to moderate acne and will highlight the newest additions to the armamentarium of topical medications available for this condition.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the educational activity, participants should be able to:
  • Understand the pathophysiology of acne
  • Identify the current treatment regimens approved for acne
  • Review the general skin care tips to help reduce acne breakouts
  • Identify the newer topical agents used for acne

Topics covered

  • Introduction
  • Current guidelines on topical agents
  • General skin care tips
  • Updates: new topical agents
  • When to refer to a specialist

1 CME Point Available

  • Score at least 70% in the multiple-choice quiz.

Keywords: acne, mild to moderate acne, topical therapy
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