MIMS Education

Evaluation of the Neck Mass in Adults

Evaluation of the Neck Mass in Adults

Family MedicineGeneral PracticeInternal MedicineOtolaryngology (ENT)
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In adult patients, a neck mass should be presumed malignant until proven otherwise. Through proper history and physical examination, clinicians should be able to determine patients presenting with a neck mass who are at high risk of developing neoplasms such as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), lymphoma, thyroid, or salivary cancer. Prompt diagnosis of neck masses is crucial for timely management of the disease, ultimately, improving patients’ quality of life.

This e-learning module highlights a streamlined approach on the evaluation of neck masses for early detection of potentially malignant conditions.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, learners should be able to:

  • Define a neck mass in adults and its possible etiology
  • Identify signs, symptoms, and physical examination findings suspicious for malignancies in neck masses in adults
  • Understand the components of targeted history and physical examination in neck masses
  • Identify appropriate diagnostic testing to be done

Topics covered

  • Definition of neck mass and its etiology
  • Early detection and diagnostic delay
  • Guideline key action statements on neck mass with corresponding algorithm

1 CPD Point Available

  • Score at least 80% in the multiple-choice quiz.

Keywords: neck mass, malignant neck masses, thyroid

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