MIMS Education

Childhood nutrition: Importance of optimal nutrition in promoting immune and mental development in early life

Childhood nutrition: Importance of optimal nutrition in promoting immune and mental development in early life

A badge with ribbon in color black 1 point | An analog clock in color black 20 minutes | A black calendar with white triangle in center that has a black exclamation point in the middle 01 Mar 2022 



The goal of this learning activity is to review the importance of nutrition in the early life of growing up children. Participants will have a better understanding of the following aspects:

  The importance of optimal nutrition (macronutrients,micronutrients and other nutrients) in toddlers

  Managing parents’ expectations on the amount of food a child should be eating

  Primary care physicians' role in initiating conversations about a growing up child's milestones with their parents or caregivers

CPD Reviewer:

Associate Professor Dr Intan Hakimah Ismail

Head of Department of Paediatrics

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

University Putra Malaysia Medical Centre

Paediatric Allergist and Clinical Immunologist

Please read thoroughly & understand the module before attempting the assessment questions.

Terms & Conditions: 
■ Participants must obtain a minimum score of 8/10 (80%) to be awarded 1 point. 
■ MIMS Education and MIMS Medica shall not be responsible or liable for the outcome of your CPD points. 

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