Anaemia is a public health problem that affects women and children worldwide. The most common causes of anaemia are micronutrient deficiencies, particularly iron and other nutrients that indirectly influence iron status. This module is an excerpt of a lecture presented at the Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AOFOG) Blood Health Forum, highlighting the extent of anaemia within the Asian region and the health outcomes related to micronutrient deficiencies in vulnerable populations.
CPD reviewer:
Professor Dr Zulfiqar A. Bhutta
Robert Harding Inaugural Chair
Global Child Health,
Hospital for Sick Children,
Toronto, Canada
• Lecture
• Q&A session
Who should participate:
• Doctors
Please watch the video before attempting the assessment questions.
Terms & Conditions:
■ Participants must obtain a minimum score of 8/10 (80%) to be awarded 1 point.
■ MIMS Education and MIMS Medica shall not be responsible or liable for the outcome of your CPD points
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