MIMS Education

Alginates: Keeping reflux at bay

Alginates: Keeping reflux at bay

Gastroenterology And Hepatology
A badge with ribbon in color black 1 Point | An analog clock in color black 20 minutes | A black calendar with white triangle in center that has a black exclamation point in the middle 05 Feb 2023 


Alginates: Keeping reflux at bay

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a very common gastroenterology-related diagnosis in the primary care setting, affecting approximately 1.03 billion individuals globally. GERD causes significant morbidity, notable impairment in quality of life, and considerable economic and societal costs.1 This learning activity aims to provide insights into the approach to managing mild-to-moderate GERD, highlighting the role of sodium alginate as the cornerstone of GERD management in various patient populations.

CPD Reviewer:

Professor Dr Lee Yeong Yeh, MD, PhD
Consultant of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Internal Medicine
Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
Kota Bharu, Malaysia

Who should participate:

  • Doctors

Please read thoroughly & understand the module before attempting the assessment questions.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Participants must obtain a minimum score of 8/10 (80%) to be awarded 1 point.
  • MIMS Education and MIMS Medica shall not be responsible or liable for the outcome of your CPD points

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