The efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of ibuprofen are well established.Ibuprofen is listed as an 'Essential Medicine' by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has raised concerns about the potential harm from the use of ibuprofen.
This module provides updated information to help participants to gain a better understanding of:
• Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular effects and the safety of ibuprofen
• Efficacy of ibuprofen and the newer analgesic agents
• Safety of ibuprofen in patients with COVID-19
• Recommendations for ibuprofen in patients with COVID-19
CPD Reviewer:
Dr Soo Chun
(Internal & Respiratory Medicine)
Cancelor Tuanku Muhriz
Perubatan UKM
Please read thoroughly & understand the module before attempting the assessment questions.
Terms & Conditions:
■ Participants must obtain a minimum score of 8/10 (80%) to be awarded 1 point.
■ MIMS Education and MIMS Medica shall not be responsible or liable for the outcome of your CPD points.
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