MIMS Education

Cleanse-Protect-Heal: Principles of Wound Management

Cleanse-Protect-Heal: Principles of Wound Management

A badge with ribbon in color black 1 point | An analog clock in color black 30 mins | A black calendar with white triangle in center that has a black exclamation point in the middle 18 Jul 2023 


MPS Code: 0349/2022

Misconceptions regarding proper wound management can lead to infections and improper healing. Thus, the right wound care routine should be adopted to maintain a moist wound microenvironment and achieve rapid wound closure. This module aims to provide healthcare professionals with a clear understanding of wound healing and knowledge of the 'Cleanse-Protect-Heal' wound care routine.

Who should participate:

Please watch the video before attempting the assessment questions

Terms & Conditions:
  • Participants must obtain a minimum score of 7/10 (70%) to be awarded 1 point.
  • MIMS Education and MIMS Medica shall not be responsible or liable for the outcome of your CPD points
To play this video, you are required to have a media player such as Windows Media Player (PC), QuickTime (MAC) or another third-party media player.

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